Our recruitment process

All our open positions are published on our website, open positions. We start processing applications immediately after the job posting is published, and we are also typically quick in our decisions. For this reason, we appreciate receiving your application sooner rather than later.

All applications must come through the application form in the job posting, for the application to end up in our recruitment system. This is to ensure compliance with GDPR. Please ensure to include a resume, cover letter, and any other requested information or attachments with the application. Our HR team will review the application to ensure that the applicant’s skills and attitude are a good fit for the position.

After processing the applications, our recruitment process varies depending on the position. If the application meets the application criteria, we will be in contact by phone to clarify potential questions related to the application and based on the discussion invite the candidate for a first meeting.

We like to talk about “meetings” instead of “interview”, as this is a mutual opportunity to feel compatibility. The first meeting is done either as a video meeting over Teams or live in one of our offices. Participants from Greenstep usually include our recruiter and an expert in the relevant service area.

In the first phase, we give a general introduction about Greenstep and often go through practical matters, such as potential start date. We mainly focus on the applicant's previous experience and skills, as well as thoughts on the next steps in their career and direction of their career path. We always have at least two rounds of meetings, sometimes three, and aim for at least one meeting to be live in one of our offices. We want the applicant to have the opportunity of meeting several Greenstepers, being able to ask questions and hear about Greenstep and the position from different points of view, without including too many people in one meeting.

Meeting live used to be self-evident and something we want to get back to after exceptional times, and e.g. why we also have a hybrid work model at Greenstep. Greenstep’s strength has always been a strong company culture and sense of community, and this is something we want to hold on to. During the meeting stages, the applicant generally meet with at least HR, the team lead or business lead, city or country lead as well as Greenstep’s founder, Tore Teir.

If both parties wish to proceed after the meeting stage, we will complete a background and ID check. Due to Greenstep’s ISO27001 certification we need to verify every potential new employee’s legitimacy. With the approval of the applicant, we will check 1-2 references from previous employers. With careful recruitment, we ensure that the right people join Greenstep.

We inform all applicants who do not proceed in the recruitment process by email. We aim to contact all applicants within 1-2 weeks after the end of the application period. Sometimes our recruitment process takes longer than expected, in which cases we always aim to notify applicants about the process delay. We contact all applicants, with the exception of open applications.

We keep applicants' information in our system for future job opportunities and may contact applicants if suitable positions become available. However, you should always be active yourself, keep an eye on our open positions and apply directly for positions of interest.